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Hollywood smile and teeth whitening there is a difference

  • What is teeth whitening

It is the process of polishing the teeth to make their color lighter than it is. It does not make the teeth completely white, but rather lightens their current color by several degrees.

The whitening currency is one of the tasks of the dentist, as some beauty salons do teeth whitening, but it is illegal without the presence of a specialized dentist.

A person can also purchase self-contained home teeth whitening kits, but these tools may also come with some risks.

How is this done?

The person makes several visits to the doctor after performing the whitening process, where the doctor takes an impression of the teeth to form the oral mold that the person will use, and the doctor guides him on how to use it with the whitening gel, then the patient must use it at home, where the gel is applied for a specific period of time and for periods exceeding Two to four weeks.

Teeth can also be bleached by laser, which is called strong whitening, where the teeth are painted with the whitening product and then exposed to a laser beam to activate the whitening, this whitening takes about an hour of time.

Can any dentist do teeth whitening?

Any doctor, if he is registered with the Council of Physicians, can perform bleaching.

Hollywood smile

Hollywood smile works with the technique of placing very thin veneers on the front of the tooth, as it changes the color, shape, size and even length of the teeth in accordance with the shape of the jaw, and is used to improve the shape of the teeth, increase the whiteness of the teeth permanently, and improve the general appearance of the person.

We usually use porcelain in the manufacture of these veneers, as it is resistant to stains and resembles the nature of the tooth, which gives a natural smile and not an artificial one.

Why do we turn to her?

Its main goal is beautification, but it also seems to be a solution in some cases, such as:

We resort to it in case of tooth discoloration or staining, and in the case of large cosmetic fillings that have lost their color and become different from the color of neighboring teeth, and teeth are broken.

It is also used in case of deviation of teeth or teeth that are unequal in size and length and inappropriate in shape with the rest of the teeth, and teeth that contain spaces between them.

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