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Botox or filler what’s different

  • Botox

Botox is a substance extracted from a certain type of bacteria called “botulinum toxin”, and it is a toxic substance. The amount of one gram of it may kill many people, but recently it has been used in many medical operations.

When Botox is injected into the skin, it prevents nerve impulses from reaching the muscles, which leads to a significant relaxation of the muscles and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, making the face look flat and more comfortable.

It is used in: the forehead area, the area between the eyebrows, the eye area and around it, and the mouth area.

The original substance is diluted in sodium chloride solution to become (Botox) and then it is injected under the skin very precisely and takes from 24 to 72 hours to give effect, and its effect lasts for a period of up to 9 months, depending on age and the extent of skin care such as moisturizing and drinking enough quantity.

  • Filler

It is a cosmetic treatment for a member of the body without surgical intervention. Filler injections often consist of natural materials produced by our bodies, and they work to get rid of defects that occur to the skin and have a major role in restoring the natural fullness of the face to reach a more youthful, lively skin free of any wrinkles or defects.

The filler consists of several natural or chemical materials, such as collagen, hyaluronic, and silicone, and these materials may be in several cases, either semi-liquid, gelatinous, or lipid.

These materials are safe when used on the skin, as they perform their function naturally in terms of; Filling the voids and cavities that appear on the skin, without leaving any side effects or complications.

Its types are:

Hyaluronic acid, and contains several substances Kapi Tek, Cartilin, and Juvéderm, whereby fluids are directed to the treated area.

Fat cells, we get them from the human body.

Polymer, this type is manufactured by humans and is biodegradable.

Injection by calcium hydroxyl apatite.

  • Which is better

We cannot consider that one is better than the other, each of them has its uses and benefits, where you can get fresh and hydrated skin as well as a tight and wrinkle-free face using each of them.

There is no doubt that aging affects all our internal and external organs, and thanks to cosmetic medicine, we have a lot of solutions now.

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بوتكس أو فيلر أيهما أفضل وما الفرق

البوتكس البوتكس هو مادة مستخلصة من نوع معين من البكتيريا تسمّى “سم البوتولنيوم”، وهي مادة سامة، فمقدار جرام واحد منها قد يقتل العديد من الأشخاص،

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